4 Bad Behaviors To Avoid If You Want To Lose Abdominal Fat

Many people discuss how to lose belly fat, how to maintain weight loss, and so on. However, no mention of bad habits that could negate all efforts is permitted. If you’re spending hours at the gym doing cardio and strength training workouts while simultaneously dieting hard, you should avoid a few harmful habits that could keep you from losing those additional pounds.

Take a Look at 4 of the Worst Things That Could Derail Your Weight-Loss Attempts:

The Sugar-Fat Connection, Part 4: Refined Carbohydrates and Disease - Udo Erasmus
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Sugar and Simple Carbs Are Not Avoided:
Simple carbohydrates such as pasta, white bread, burgers, and sweets have an addictive impact on the brain. As a result, when attempting to lose weight or belly fat, these items become impossible to avoid. If you eat these while trying to lose weight, the fat cells will mature faster and accumulate. The secret to losing abdominal fat is to avoid refined sweets and carbohydrates.

Shun the sedentary life
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Sedentary Lifestyle:
Not getting enough exercise and sitting in one place for long periods of time can stymie weight reduction and lead to the accumulation of visceral fat. Exercise can lower visceral fat even if you don’t lose weight, according to many studies.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol | The Recovery Village
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Drinking Too Much Alcohol:
The beer belly paradox is real: alcohol alters the way the liver processes fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to belly fat. Alcohol has been shown to reduce the body’s ability to burn fat by more than 70%, so if you don’t avoid it during the weight loss process, you may find it difficult to shed belly fat.

Surprising Lack of Sleep Side Effects | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee
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Getting Insufficient Sleep:
Sleep deprivation can also affect how quickly you lose tummy fat. When the body does not get enough rest, the stress hormone cortisol is released. This instructs the body to store fat around the abdomen, resulting in the formation of belly fat.

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The tips and suggestions offered in this article are for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Before beginning any exercise program or making any dietary changes, always check your doctor or a dietitian.



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