Follow These Top 3 Dental Hygiene Tips to Prevent Black Fungus Infection

The second wave of pandemic poses a more serious challenge. When we heard that COVID-19 cases are showing a steady decline over the past 10 days, we breathed a sigh of relief. But it shows that India is focusing on another epidemic now- Mucormycosis or Black Fungus. This is a very rare infection that is usually found among recovered and recovering Covid-19 patients. Mucormycosis is a fungal disease that occurs in patients with low immunity. This infection is also seen in those Covid patients who have been kept on steroids for the treatment of the virus.

Covid patients who are critical and require high supervision are at a higher risk of developing this infection. Patients who are admitted to the ICU for oxygen therapy, where humidifiers are used, have a major chance of developing this disease due to exposure to moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to always use sterile water for oxygen therapy. 

Mucormycosis is usually found in critically ill Covid patients who are given steroids which is a life-saving treatment for coronavirus. Although steroids can help patients recover from this deadly virus, they also reduce immunity and increase blood sugar levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic Covid patients. Those with low immunity systems, uncontrolled diabetes, voriconazole therapy, and overuse of steroids tend to be more prone to this black fungus infection. 

Black fungus infection affects the brain, sinus, and lungs of an infected person. It is also a life-threatening disease in diabetic, cancer patients, or people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

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What are the symptoms of Mucormycosis?

  1. Discoloration if oral tissues, tongue, gums
  2. Swelling around the eyes, Redness and Prominence of the eye, Inability to open the eye.
  3. Stuffy nose, abnormal discharge, or bleeding from the nose.
  4. Swelling of face
  5. Headache, fever, and discomfort.

Dental Hygiene Tips to Reduce the Risk of Black Fungus Infection

  • People who have recovered from Covid-19 need to take proper care as they are put on steroids and medications. So, the persistent intake of steroids can cause fungus to develop in the lungs, sinus, or brain. To avoid this, it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day and do regular oral cleansing.
  • After recovering from Coronavirus, be sure to maintain your oral hygiene to protect yourself from this infection. Once you are tested negative for Covid-19, it is advisable to change your toothbrush and rinse the mouth regularly to avoid infection.
  • Once you have recovered from Covid-19, make sure to clean your toothbrush as well as tongue cleaner daily with an antibacterial mouthwash. Also, do not put your toothbrush in the same holder as others.



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